Friday, August 21, 2009

New publication explains openModeller in detail

If you want to know how openModeller works and why it was created, GeoInformatica has just published a new paper as an electronic Online First article with this information:

Now the following reference can be used to cite openModeller:

Muñoz, M.E.S., Giovanni, R., Siqueira, M.F., Sutton, T., Brewer, P., Pereira, R.S., Canhos, D.A.L. & Canhos, V.P. (2009) "openModeller: a generic approach to species' potential distribution modelling". GeoInformatica. DOI: 10.1007/s10707-009-0090-7

As soon as it gets published in a paginated issue, you will be able to add volume number and page range to the citation. The publications section will be updated accordingly when the corresponding journal issue gets compiled.